BUG: Scrolled-back text windows scroll when new text added

Aajay (atys)
Biroeg (atys)
<grin> I'm already there and deep in NeL. It'll be awhile before I grok enough of the GUI code and scripting to find this bug.

A 37 year coding veteran. I started to play to better understand the core code.


Please join the Ryzom Core community on in #ryzom. I can try and give you some tips on where to start (sfb) and another member, dfighter, recently wrote a GUI Editor and refactored the GUI code. So between the two of us we should be able to get you in the right place.

Also  our issue tracker isn't necessarily used by Winch Gate but if things are there they are things we'll try and work on: s=open


thanks for trying, keep up the effort.


Remickla (atys)
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