[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Bitty said that Dante is arguably the best LA in game.
If we take a look at Dante, it is an option for a fighter to be not only self sufficient but also to maybe provide for their guilds in the same way in which diggers and crafters do. Killing dante isn't PvP but it is the closet thing PvE has to offer. The same is said for Pei-Ruiz.

I think this discussion has developed into a predictable discussion between those against and those for more PvP. This is a sandbox game and it should be open to all types of players.

I struggle to accept how anyone can deny the fact that there is need for the extra 2 LA NPC in Forest and Desert. I think the way forwards now is to compromise upon what loot is dropped.
Virg (atys)
for example 2 options of using the LA NPC crystal. 1 method being similar to the NPC HA crafting way and the second method taking the crystal and using PvP points to trade for a piece. I am not trying to remove the point crafting/digging but I am trying to add more PvP orientated options.

I don't personally think that Virg's idea is a bad one. If the LA NPC in Forest and Desert were implemented, to equal Dante and Pei, they should be dropping 1 piece of LA. The issue is, should they also drop crystals which can then be used alongside PvP points to obtain a further piece + the ability to craft them with the plan.

Why not?
This is quite a strong way to promote PvP-ing and yet it is a method which caters exactly to a sandbox game such as Ryzom: the ability to chose!

If you want to craft ... go ahead and use the plan and the crystals.
If you have PvP points... go ahead and trade then with the crystals.
For what reason would one be against this? You have the choice in your hands. :)


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