[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

*Sighs* where do I begin...

Firstly.. PvE has it rewards- why not PvP? What is this difference between PvE and PvP? I'll tell you.. PvE involves a lot less skill- so why does it receive more rewards?
Daomei (atys)
Tumbleweed and Virg: What I frequently criticize with such approach, is the attitude of the complaint: You want to be rewarded for doing PvP, why?

Those are not complaining about missing rewards, and those and only those would be able to convince those like me.

I love PvP and boss hunts- in fact I enjoy them both so much that is essentially what I want to spend all my time doing. However there is an issue with this. Bosses are overly farmed and timed and in terms of NPC bosses- which i get the most enjoyment out of- there are only 6 and they are very sought after. Therefore I would like 2 more. Is there such an issue with this? As i previously said pure PvPers are reliant on others so much for their gear many even dig themselves even though they don't enjoy it. Is there such an issue with adding a bit of self-sufieceny so we may spend more time PvPing?

Daomei (atys)
In my eyes, PvPers opposed to RPers have a lot: playgrounds like LoU, Nexus, the Arena, tagging, duel proposal, OP battles. Those who don't do PvP are excluded from OP mat, something you both liked to "forget".

A neutral guild "Fluffy bunnies" own a high quality OP. They don't turn up to OP wars- others protect them. Are they excluded from OP mats? No they aren't. Don't make stupid comments before you know the facts.
Daomei (atys)
To me it looks much like spoiled brats who got the factions, the tags, the PvP areas, the Outposts, and get tired of the old toys soon crying for new toys. What I miss, are player organized PvP events which make PvP in Ryzom lively and attractive. I might think about schools of Martial Arts (possibly nation based academies) where experienced PvP players teach the younger, develop agendas for examinations and contests, tournaments national and world champion contests etc.

Simply giving the next toy to the bored brats will not help. Definitely not.

I do teach others how to PVP. Once again go ahead comment on something you could not possibly ever know about. I am not a spoilt brat after a new toy. Don't be so rude to someone you don't know. People like you spoil this community.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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