[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Tumbleweed and Virg: What I frequently criticize with such approach, is the attitude of the complaint: You want to be rewarded for doing PvP, why? What is the reward for roleplayers? There are no RP shops, no RP mats, no RP points. Those liking RP are "wasting" hours and hours for no other reward than their own fun and that of their peers. Though, RP is up and alive and is attracting many.

Quite similar with diggers and crafters. Do you really believe that one masters 16 branches only in order to have best gear, or 5 ecos only to dig for others, and not simply because it is fun, because it is a lot of satisfaction to craft good gear from apparently moderate mat by a tricky recipe, because even the grind has its calm and satisfaction?

Where is your enthusiasm for PvP which may convince an at least PvP skeptic like me who after some experiences refrained from practising it completely, that it is a good thing, that it can give fun and thrill, that it is motivating in a way enthusiastic diggers and crafters motivated me when I was about to give up? Granted, I know some players who apparently have fun with PvP as a value in itself. Those are not complaining about missing rewards, and those and only those would be able to convince those like me.

In my eyes, PvPers opposed to RPers have a lot: playgrounds like LoU, Nexus, the Arena, tagging, duel proposal, OP battles. Those who don't do PvP are excluded from OP mat, something you both liked to "forget".

To me it looks much like spoiled brats who got the factions, the tags, the PvP areas, the Outposts, and get tired of the old toys soon crying for new toys. What I miss, are player organized PvP events which make PvP in Ryzom lively and attractive. I might think about schools of Martial Arts (possibly nation based academies) where experienced PvP players teach the younger, develop agendas for examinations and contests, tournaments national and world champion contests etc.

Simply giving the next toy to the bored brats will not help. Definitely not.

Edit: What I expect from "real" PvP players: That they be enthusiasts and experts of the fighting system, exploring any corner and any possibility of it like I am exploring any corner on and under the bark for digging spots, creature movements and behaviour, boss spawns etc., any mat for a better recipe, no matter how long it lasts and how often I die. The really good PvP players I met were of that kind. If they had to fight naked and unarmed, they did, and were frightening foes even then. If PvP is not more than a way to get nifty gear, it can be dumped.

Edit 2: It is true though, that the PvP merchant could have a better assortment, a full armour set would not be bad. And the pre merge faction items should be available again if they aren't yet. That is on the restoration of lost content agenda or should be.


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