[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

I am personally against most of these NPC boss stuff and ideas, mainly based on the loss of fun for crafters.
I am not saying that balance could do the trick but just demanding more superior NPC boss armour or products, e.g. next time round someone asks for NPC boss jewels, is bad for crafters.

See, currently getting a decent amour with good attributes for PvP is prettig difficult, hence getting boss-mob-loot and sup mats, plus using the awful-chance-faction-tools to get the most out of it (again, more rare mats and time is required).
On the other hand, bash a NPC-boss frequently enough, taking 20-40min depending on team and you got your armour.

So whats in it for crafter? Getting not near enough close to the NPC-boss equivalent and still not looking "cool" like it either.

Most armour crafters craft for the style out of these reasons, but beyond that? Not much.

If at all I would rather see an empowerment of the crafters by introducing new styles, mixing of colours, options of bumping up the attributes of the armour or else, then another NPC boss.
There must be plenty of other ideas out there for armour crafting, e.g. attaching amber or eyes to the armour to reflect magic, I dearly hope so.

I acknowledge that yet another NPC is "easier" to implement and boosts more PvP competition, but ultimately it pushes crafter more and more out of their jobs.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 14:45:29 UTC

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