[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Let's compare stats :
reckless LA : = boosted LA outside of dodge
+2 dodge, +1 parry 29% 246 protect 150 sap/hp
Reckless MA : = best MA ever
+2 dodge and parry 44% 391 protect q200 (+100 hp) +150 stam/hp
Reckless HA = average marauder boosted rubbarn q200
+2 dodge +4 parry 64% 585 protect q150 (+150 hp) +200hp/+150stam

Silver pack HA : = Average q200 marauder boosted rubbarn
+2 dodge + 4parry 64% 585 protect q200 +150 hp/stam (=reckless HA)

Pei ruz armor
+3 dodge +1 parry 25% 224 protect +150 hp/sap
Sirgio armor
+1 dodge +4 parry 60% 532 protec q200 +150hp/50stam

So yes, they have best armors in game, outside of LA. Dante LA is still better, because of dodge modifier. And some of them were just beginners or alts. So what? This armors get used pretty fast, believe me.

And Dante is not that easy to get... he has to be up first, before being slained, and he is over checked so i'm not sure many guilds have entire sets yet

Anyway, i would gladly accept new LA NPC, or even MA. But with stats equals to actuals LA NPC.

But as said Daomei, there is things that come 1st, like fixing the encyclopedia, adv occs, almati access...
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