[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Virg, I understand what you are meaning and wishing for, but I disagree. Your ideas fit to a game like Guildwars (1), where PvE and PvP are quite strictly separated and every PvP player receives top stats and top attributes equipment right away from start.

I don't criticize that scheme which allows for PvP on a completely equal base where only combat experience, reaction and skill decide about the winning or losing side.

The world of Ryzom is different. You have to earn your skills before you are a match for older, more experienced players who have a superiority in all stats you have to grind for quite a time. If they have mastered several branches of fight and magic if will even take longer to be at par. That is somehow the price of a persistent world and sandbox game.

You are complaining about good armors for reckless. Yet reckless players started from lvl 1 in all and have to grind a lot until they can even think of wearing the lower level (q100) armors given to them. If they want to use the q200 excellent generic material up to its full potential they need to raise crafting skills to 190 in any branch where they want to craft items from.


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