[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Bitttymacod (atys)
+3 dodge?  Not asking for much are you, Virg?

Good PvP armor is capable of being made from normal Atys materials if people are willing to work on it.  What you seem to be talking about is *looks* rather than attributes on the already high powered NPC armor.  Why not, instead, simply allow different appearance patterns to be used with the current NPC's and attributes?

Basically the first issue is that the best gear currently in the game is the Reckless Armour which is no longer available to obtain. This isn't just one armour set- the reckless gear covers LA, MA and HA. This people may not have worked hard/lost many masters- is this fair?

The second issue is that the PvP gear that is available to be crafted entails;
- A master digger for sups (must be PR)
- A master crafter to craft (+ occupations to reduce degrades)
- Possibly OP mats for boosted stats (the only element which caters for PvPers and which is subject to a great deal of politics and reliance on dappers which is a major issue as a result of the economy which has been implemented)
- And finally farming and timing the bosses (which many will struggle with and which will only require actual killing IF you are lucky enough to come across the boss randomly or else like I said, time and farm him successfully).

This method does not really cater for PvPers very much.

This means people who just want to PVP are completely reliant on other people.
Teamwork is an important aspect which Ryzom implements, however, there is teamwork and there is COMPLETE reliance on someone, for example, especially regarding the Master Crafter.

It is a matter of fact that many guilds simply have no access to the tools required to craft the gear. Supply is extremely limited and this isn't competition for resources- this is domination. The well supplied guilds get better and the small guilds don't get a look in.

Basically my suggestion opens up the chance for people to go through another route to get decent gear and further promotes PvPing! :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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