[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Hi there!

*If you like any ideas please post comment! *
(even as small as "yessss virg is a genius- this should be done")
The more people who want it, the bigger chance of it getting done.

I really believe its time for some new pvp orientated armour. I am referring to LA mostly however can also be done with MA. There are several ways to implement this into the game, here are some of my ideas:

Forest and Desert NPC's.
Currently there is LA NPCs in the other 2 regions but not these two. For them to be up would be fun for everyone. In terms of a crystal/crafting drop I think these LA NPC's should only drop a crystal and a piece. You then could use the crystal and a certain amount of PVP points (lets say 10k) and trade it to a faction merchant for a single piece of NPC LA (similar stats to the reckless armour).

There is only 1 skirt available at the moment and the stats aren't even that great. Its a lot of killing for little reward. I think the stats could do with a boost- or the PVP point price could do with dropping. Also a whole set would be great rather than just a single item.

Faction armour.
I think would be a nice touch- burning fyros boots, electric zorai gloves, maybe black smoky armour for marauders etc etc :) Using civ faction points to buy them- maybe not amazing stats but at least average (but with 3 dodge?)

I'm not asking for all these to be done- but i think at least one? A new tough NPC LA boss would make ryzom a much more fun place! and also I'm dying to get my hands on some gear with similar stats to the reckless.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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