BUG: Scrolled-back text windows scroll when new text added

The "Customer Service" department has informed me that this is the only forum where they will accept this submission, inappropriate as it is.

When a scrollable text window is scrolled back (up) so that the last line is not visible, it constantly scrolls down as new text is appended by other processes (ie: a scrolled back chat window will keep scrolling as others add chats). This makes it very difficult to read past text when new text is actively being appended since the viewport keeps scrolling down.

This is known as a transiently updated scrollable text window. The specified behavior should be:
* When scrolled to the end, the viewport should scroll down as new text is appended.
* When scrolled to the start, the viewport should scroll down as starting lines are deleted (if they are).
* When scrolled to anywhere else, the viewport should maintain position when text is transiently appended by other processes.
* If the user manually enter some text, the viewport should automatically scroll to the end to show that newly appended text.

The fact that the Ryzom scrollable text windows do not follow the specified behavior is a BUG, not an idea or a request for function, and it is such an easy fix to implement. The response from Support that "it is not at this point seen as a bug", simply demonstrates the incompetence and intransigence of that department.

It does no good to request the cooperation of the user community in reporting bugs and issues, and even providing an easy in-game method to submit them, if Support spends most of their time inventing excuses to not deal with them or even deny they exist. This is the second time I've received a blatantly ridiculous response like this from Support.

That's all I have to say about the issue. I've done my due diligence as an active client of this user community. I now understand why I was warned by so many people that most of what you get from support is abuse, but I'll continue to report what I find anyway.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:40:38 UTC

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