
Akenak assembly of Pyr

Report from the assembly of Quarta, Medis 28, 1st AC 2572 in Pyr.
Presents akenak : Arrlon, Bardor, Daavics, Gunbra, Icus
Lykos, Abycus Zekops and Dios Apotheps as well as some imperial clerks were presents.

A memorial walk for Emperor Dexton and victims of the second swarm took place before the assembly. Patriots gathered around the coffin of Emperor Dexton and could hear the speeches of Xania and Lykos.

Law on weapon carrying
On akenak Arrlon request, a law against weapon carrying in assembly has been proposed and unanimously accepted.

Imperial tournament
An imperial tournament will be held in the burning desert, including the following trials :
- day 1 : Fyros guild will parade in front of sharükos who will elect the best display.
- day 1 : Friendly fight against the Burning Faces. Individual patriots and small guilds are allowed to group.
- day 2 : Crafting contest to produce the best akenak outfit
- day 2 : Tales of historical events where patriots will choose the best told.
- day 3 : Strength display from fyros guilds against captured kitins.
Project was accepted, patriots who wish to involve themselves in organisation are welcome.

Taliari proposed the reopening of the water-road.
The zoraï circles introduced a water well project which they are still discussing.
Both projects were accepted. Akenak Bardor will be in charge of water-road negotiations and akenak Arrlon will join the Zoraï project.

Akenak Arrlon will be ambassador for Zoraï and Matis people.
Akenak Bardor will be ambassador for Tryker people.
Patriot Lerya asked to be ambassador as well but this is an office reserved to akenak.

Desert defense
Akenak Icus proposed a law :
The goal of this project is to promote a mutual aid between fyros guild and a national union. The terms are easy :

-Every fyros guild must be on every outpost attack/defence organised by another fyros guild in the desert. The fyros guild are united on the desert outpost. The attack/defence display will be public.(the fyros forum)
-Every fyros guild can ask for OP mats. The only constraint to the guild owning OP is to share with all the fyros guild asking a reasonnable amount of mats (depends on the owning guild appreciation, around 1~3mats), in a reasonnable time (one week IRL).
-Every fyros guild can refuse to participate in the fight, as long as it doesn't own any desert OP. However, it can't ask for OP mats if it chooses that.
After a long talk, Emperor Lykos argued that this law was against the treaty between the four nations which forbids governments to involve themselves in outpost conflicts.
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