Talkirc (atys)
kool, 5k $ cash will get something done, WG gets $11 a month from me, and IF 10k of subbed players that's 110k a month, if 100k subbed players it's 1.1m a month, someone tell me how we still have bugs from 8 years ago when they're making so much (hypothetically).
Regarding the bugs... Can you (the proverbial you...) open tickets for code-related bugs on the Ryzom Core issue tracker? This would be awesome since we just moved from Winch Gate's issue tracker to our own and it would be nice to repopulate with real issues and start tracking these things down. s=open
Regardless of how much you pay for your subscription and what Winch Gate is working on this is a great way to add some coding experience to your portfolio and get paid doing so. I approached the player community knowing there are both individuals whom enjoy coding and would like to get paid to do so as well as individuals who really want to add something new to Ryzom. The ideas forum is full of great ideas that prospective students could implement.
Google Summer of Code and the mentoring and work performed are fully independent of Winch Gate and are solely worked on in context of the open source project. We bi-directionally merge our changes so anything you work on for us will be available to Winch Gate to use.