Help NH with more than 1 item at a time?

Right now, selling to New Horizons requires you to say 35 times that you want to help them, 35 times to wait for the dialogs to show up, 35 times to wait for the faction points counter to update (unless you don't mind losing them). This doesn't make any sort of sense, neither from an IRL point of view nor in-game.

Idea is simple, instead of this tedious and VERY time-consuming manner of repeatedly giving 1 item, allow us to negociate with them. That is, after the "I want to help you" dialog, allow the player to select the occ product type AND amount. Of course, if New Horizons wouldn't want to buy 15 tools at once (for various reasons), display a message saying that "We don't need so many products". Even selling 2 at once instead of 1 would shave off serious time.

Transporters are busy people, and I think they'd rather be out there doing their job rather than waiting for us to click things. Sorry if this has been previously proposed :)


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