Faction merchant new item: Fine Generic Raw Materials (and obsolescence of cats)

some of my calculations may be off but i suspect not...

Faction merchants currently sell, choice generic raw mats at these exchanges: (with 99 faction fame)

Q50 - 4 points
Q100 - 8 points
Q150 - 16 points
Q200 - 32 points
Q250 - 64 points

Suggested item:

Fine generic raw mats at:

Q50 - 2 points
Q100 - 4 points
Q150 - 8 points
Q200 - 16 points
Q250 - 32 points

As much as i would love to suggest exe raw mats... i know this will definitely result in a NO :)
However i think fine mats are not unreasonable requests for our dynastic, imperial, federal and... sorry i do not know the name for the forest merchant xD

A note about obsolescence

Faction pick is nice, sap crystals are great, cats are no longer the biggest deal on atys (yes there are some f2p, lets say they want level 150 cats, those go for 4 points)

if you have 100 fame in a civ and you net 7000 faction points per day via new horizons,
most people will have 30+ or 50+ and get 1750 or 2800 points respectively per day which is not bad

lower level cats are
Q50 - 1 point
Q100 - 2 points
Q150 - 4 points

this really means q200 and q250 cats have no use at all anymore and may as well be removed unless you will allow us to stack them with perma-cats.

I would like to see the faction merchants have better selling stock, as I will align shortly for more faction points and then have nothing really awesome to buy... let's face it, that +200 focus +80 hp pick for a master, while undoubtedly useful, is not one of those "ooo my life has been forever changed by this"

maybe some jewels, encyclopedia entries, something!


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