Prime Roots Foraging Survey

The prospecting/tracking bug of giving misleading messages has been there all along. The buo spot in GoO by the Kara TP used to give you no mats found in this area. Move to the center of the node field and you would get depleted message. Experience told you to wait a 1 to 3 ingame hours and the choice mats at least should be back.

But how did you know there was anything there? There were at least 2 out of game map sites that told you what was there. Otherwise the no mats in this area message would have caused you to travel elsewhere with an empty bag.

And those map sites did not have all the spots mapped. And they didnt develop those maps over night. It took a long time to collect all the data that they had.

For those not using outside maps , at least the discovery of a choice spot meant that you might get the same mat in exc or sup sometime at that spot.

With the complexity of the mat spawning I doubt you will ever get perfect prospect messages. Not without a team of programmers redesigning the entire system. The best that we can hope for is a little better priority in the messages that the system does send to us so as to be less misleading.

As PR was designed after the surface world the placement of choice/excellent and supreme at the same spot was probably a necessity.

In the real world prospectors do not always find all dig spots, but when they find a low grade spot there is the hope of finding a better grade of the same type nearby. And that concept is good for a game world too.
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Last visit Saturday, 23 November 03:13:36 UTC

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