Escape to close open windows

Aeva, for the inventory, and other character related windows, the key that opens it up, also closes it down. So I imho, we don't need another key to close such windows. Press "k" to get a list of most of your key assignments.

Closing a vendor window is a different matter. <esc> already closes a couple of other special windows, such as material or action info windows. So, Bitty, in some cases we already have the double-meaning for keys. <esc> does close windows _and_ exits chats if the cursor is active in a chat.

The point is that it's okay to have different behaviour of some keys depending on the context. Another example is <enter>. The return/enter key acknowledges and sends a chat message, but if the chat message is empty, the effect is to exit the chat as well.

I'm undecided on having <esc> also close an open vendor window. It doesn't make much difference to me.
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