Prospecting with Knowledges

Abstained, because while I generally are in favour for the idea, and would prefer "Irfidel's Zun Amber", I am also concerned about making botting too easy. Probably my point is moot and I should have just voted for my preference, because the real botters have other means to get where they want to.

Let me use this post to also just thank you, Muffin, for sharing all your ideas. Sometimes I disagree, sometimes I agree, often I just wonder at the creativity. But almost always I'm just happy that someone takes the time to note down some issue with the game and puts it up for discussion.

Some of these should be moved over or copied to and their issue/bugtracking system. It's hard though to consolidate the ideas in one place, and yet get enough input and stimulus to come up with a good proposal.

Enough said - sorry for slightly hijacking your thread. Keep it going, Muffin!
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