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Bug Tracker: Achievements / Erfolge / Accomplissements

Three related feature ideas for the achievements:
- Track special titles
- Track special events
- Repeatable achievements

Disclaimer: The below proposal may involve a lot of work. Since I don't know the internals of the system(s) involved I cannot judge the amount of work. Still I'd like to play this idea in a discussion.

Indirectly, the normally available titles are already tracked: Upon reaching a certain level in a skill, an achievement is reached and yubo points are awarded. This correlates to titles for homins such as "Apprentice Fighter", "Destroyer", etc. The same applies to some other special in game titles such as "Glueckspilz" or "Pechvogel" (Wheel of fortune titles, pardon me for not knowing the exact english phrasing in-game).
In addition to these there are a lot more special in game titles, most actually given out due to achievements in events. A non event example would be "Elder of Atys". Event examples are (again German) "Kitinjaeger-Neuling" (the Kitin hunter series, a long running "event"), the titles awarded due to hunting the pumpkins, and the christmas trees ("Segensfestbaumschmueckerin"). This is topped of by the titles given manually by the event team for e.g. telling stories, or being part of the Atys political system ("Erleuchtete", "Akenak", etc.)
Maybe the achievement system could tap into the system that manages the titles (it seems there are two systems now) and award special yubo points for those.
Some titles are fleeting and vanish after one year, imho the correlated achievement and yubo points should remain.

As a future enhancement the yearly titles could trigger "repeat achievements": If someone tells stories every year at the Anlor Win (Halloween) event, then that's worth an achievement every year in my opinion. Repeat achievements could also given out for those who slay Aen and her marauding colleagues, or for killing 100 Kipuckas, etc. But triggering achievements based on monster, and even player kill ("kill your first lvl250 player") is an entirely different matter.

All of these could provide more motivation for and rewarding for people to participate in roleplay activities.

Related to trigger achievements based on titles, it would also be nice for lower level players to at least get some achievements out of the yearly hunts for eggs, presents, christmas trees, pumpkins, flames and the likes. Usually the event awards trigger only at a very high level of completion. For beginners and intermediate players it would be nice if you get some achievements. E.g. if there are 80 flames to find with 20 in each country, then we could have achievements for finding all flames, finding all flames in one country, finding 80/60/40/20/10/1 flame. The yubo points could be balanced either linearly to effort involved or even progressively (higher flame count will yield higher yubo points per flame than lower).

The biggest problem may be to hook up the achievements to ever changing ARCC event scripts. But someone also has to draw the gfx, balance yubo points and be creative.

As I said before, lot of work. What do you think?
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Last visit Wednesday, 27 November 08:21:50 UTC

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