boss respawn time based on boss lvl, not fixed time.

I also voted other "No" to it for near enough the same reasons as Legalizhurb.
Bosses are meant to be unique and even though I have a RL and haven't seen some of the bosses in the 8 years I played, I think they should remain difficult to get.
I am also frustrated that some guilds and players hunt them down before anyone else, but heyho, if someone wants to devote their lives to do so, well thats their reward and their time invested.
Rather make random cool down times, so that is less predictable and therefore enhances the chances of being spotted by other instead the same guys.

I actually would rather favour a hawker that exchanges sup loot for dig mats, eg. 1000 choice seeds for 1 sup nail of choice. This provides the option to put time and effort into getting something rare. Forrest hawker can be found in the forrest and only trade for forrest mats and so on. I think that would be fair.
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