Add quality value to teleporter pacts (to sort them in bag)

When you have many pacts in your bag it's hard to quickly find the one you want to use...

So what about adding quality value to teleporter pacts ?

For example :
pact for Fairhaven = Ql 50
pact for Winds of Muse = Ql 100
pact for Lagoon of Loria = Ql 250


So this way the pacts could be sorted by quality in your bag and you could easily identify the one you want to use...

It is also possible to distinguish pacts for different cities in the same area :
Fairhaven = Ql 50
Cristabell = Ql 51
Windermeer = Ql 52
Avendale = Ql 53


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:26:21 UTC

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