
Funny/clumsy/silly death

Them damn Javings... I used to call them "Flying Trashbags" because of their torn-up wings and after many deaths of getting disarmed and having my perfectly tanned Fyros butt handed to me, I'd nuke every single one I saw on my way to the Ruins of Silan and I called that game "Drop Dead, Javings".

Also, my first trek to Thesos with Beau cost me quite a few DPs in Sawdust Mines trying to recover my mount I fell off from on that first hill covered in aggro you see when you get off the bridge. And then I lost said mount in Hidden Source because a yelk farted too close to it. Sirgio's guys got me good too...


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles
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Last visit Friday, 18 October 03:15:04 UTC

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