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Bug Tracker: Achievements / Erfolge / Accomplissements


Well, that's gonna be a longer post ^^

- Is it on purpose that players can switch Faction/Civilization settings on the achievement web pages? Is it not possible for the system to get that information automatically from the game?
Your current standing should be selected by default. Switching Civ/Cult allows you to view the achievements that are available to the selected combination. That way you have access to all of your progress since changing alignments ingame does not reset the achievements.

- Since we _are_ able to select manually, I've played around with the selections a bit. There's a different number of tribes depending e.g. on the civilization alignment. While that may correctly reflect the possibilities for a character it also means that homins can achieve a different number of yubo points depending on their alignment. Now this is a hard-to-implement request: Would it be possible to balance the yubo point numbers in a way that a homin can always achieve the same maximum number of yubo points irrespective of any alignments? Would this be desirable anyway?
Indeed, alignment affects the amount of yubopoints obtainable. It ranges from 1000 to 1220 (not counting the meta achievements available to everyone). I think it would be very hard to balance the system so that everyone would have the same amount of points. It is simply no built for such a thing.

There are 2415 points in total in the fame category. Since you can always chose to change your ingame alignments it is theoretically possible to get them all, although hardly anyone will actually do that.

- Another topic on balancing: Lots of achievements are triggered either by fame or by skill. It seems most achievements yield 10 or 15 points. I must admit I haven't done detailed calculations, but I feel that with grinding tribe fame a lot more yubo points can be collected than with exploring the countryside. I am undecided if that would be a good or bad thing. Just curious: Do you have an eye on balancing achievable yubo points for different play styles? Would it make sense to have a greater variety on points? One example could be to increase the luck based points for the rare occasion of winning the lottery prices. But then, others probably complain about luck playing too big a part in these points.
I must admit, that that's a topic I haven't given much thought. But anyhow, you are right, the points really have a balancing problem. Currently we have:
total fame:		2415
total skills: 1180
total exploration: 640

I'll probably reduce some achievements to only award 5 instead of 10 points and maybe increase some in the exploration category. I hope I'll have a solution before christmas. Thx for posting!

2 bugs :
Get a item q300 : max q is 290, and linked to event mob, so far none has been poped since merge, si this achievement can't be complete
Thx for noticing. Changed the achievement to q290 now.

Playtime achievement has no description in french
The "Doubtfully Undecided" asks for 100 in both kami and karavan fame, which is currently impossible, as the max for undeclared is 50. Is this a bug, or does it want you to declare for one side, get to 100, then declare for the other and max it all the way back?
Like Talkirc explained correctly, the achievements to not require all objectives to be completed at the same time.
I moved the achievement "Doubtfully Undecided" to the Heroic Deeds category now. That means it will only show up if it is completed and reward no points any longer.

The problems I recently encountered, do not deal with fame. Rather some regions refuse to update. First is Hush Hole in Lagoons of Loria. I spent there over 40 minutes, 5 saves and about 100 killed kipestas until my bag was full and I gave up. I spent another hour approximately in Darkmoor - also no update.

Edit: Now I have a fame problem. Though my Kami and Karavan Fame are both 50, none of them has been recognized.

Edit #2:Fame and DP count updated now, as well as Dapper count.
crisis proof no longer tracking my "bank", still not triggering in lost valley, void, witherings.
The achievements tracking was down for a while which should explain the problems. Sorry for that... I hope it will not happen too often in the future.

Ok, that should be all now ^^
Yours Cotare


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