Equipping items by keypress

I would like to suggest that all items able to be equipped be given a field to assign a key. This assignment could be done in the info window or by a new window accessible through the context menu. The benefits of this suggestion are easier changes in active task, weapon can readily be equipped after a disarm attack, armors may be changed easily without bringing the inventory window up.

In order to reduce the ability to use this suggestion for automation I would recommend an implementation where the first unequipped item found for a given key stroke is equipped and no further searching is preformed. Sets of armors would therefore not be able to be directly handled by the client and would require the user to make multiple key strokes as each equipping action completes. This particular implementation method does allow for swapping between 2 items by use of the same key character, which is of particular benefit for switching between long and close range weapons.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:33:33 UTC

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