EVENTS!!! >_<

Yup you guys did a great job, everyone of you. This was your first event that included all the communities so there will always be some confusion and unexpected situations in the process. I for one can't wait for your next event. Don't let this discouraged you, there were many happy players present that had a good time. Learn from the mistakes, from what didn't work, and improve it for the next one.

I want to add that for events that required "teams" it would be fair if you post the requirements ahead of time, so that players can register their teams even before the event day. This would help with having balanced teams, especially in the amount of players in each team. I quite enjoyed the labyrinth but it wasn't clear to me that only one member of my team needed to collect the jewels. It happened to me that I found one contact and another member found another contact and we got the jewels, but after I went deeper into the maze I was asked to return mine because I didn't collect it in the order you required.

Another point I'd like to make is that you added the event to the spanish forum but at the event you had no spanish translator. I tried to help translate but I could not keep up with the chatter and the multi languages in the channel. Having said that if you need someone to translate at your next event feel free to ask me. I can even add a character to your "events guild" to help at these events.

Don't be discouraged, continue to do player events, learn from each one and have fun doing them.

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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:35:25 UTC

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