EVENTS!!! >_<

k, well I appreciate all of the hardwork and effort that you put into it - and if there is anything way for me to help then let me know

...thought that it was so easy and simple for making our own channels (but I guess I haven't even tried for ithem yet too see if it still works)

Custom channels
You can create your own channels as well, or join those created by others. A player can be connected to at most 2 custom channels at a time.

/channel <channelname>
Join the channel with the given name, or create it if doesn't exist already.

/channel <channelname> <password>
Join or create a channel with password protection.

/channel <channelname> *
Leave the channel with the given name.

^this is what I thought that they did for thet Anlor Winn Story Telling Event
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:43:08 UTC

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