EVENTS!!! >_<

2) if there is going to be anything like a 1st/2nd/3rd place prizes then all participants must be "registered" - what I mean is liek, "inscribe" with for an Event Organiser and then the Event Organiser can add all of the registered participant to an new Post for the Events Thread in the Events Forum...maybe not so clear there
so say there is a...for liek the "[Players] Festivities of the lakes" has a link for the "Show details in forum" which then takes us to Forums >> Events (arispotle) >> [Evennement Players] Festivities of the lakes
.in that Thread there can have been added a post by a Event Oraganiser that lists all of the "inscribled" teams for the third event (something to do with "coupling for them animals")

at the end one of them was actually saying that, asking if there was anymore team (and they should know because we all had to "inscribe" for them)
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:36:56 UTC

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