Inventory "EQUIP" tab

well I'm just at a time where I'm only carrying HA and have to keep healing all of the time...and digging (so have to unequip for that too)

the only reason I started to write is because I just want to beable to unequip everything without all of the clicking...but then re-equip aswell for aggro

...but I can see what you mean - but you can still play like that anyway (if you choose to)
but i'd much prefer to beable to....well am the OP :P

and even if it took much longer time for the actions, I wouldn't even mind - like add them all up, so say ...~10 times as long as it takes to put on one thing

okay, it takes around 5-7s for me to put on my helmet (now I have just tried it for everything and is all of the same as eachother)

so maybe takes around a full minute for a Set of Armours/Jewelries...but Jewelries don't even have it for a timer

it takes 10-15s just to equip all Armours (but only buy lots and lost of clicking - atleast 12 if you don't miss for any of them)

and ~5s to unequip all Armours (no timer)
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 15:44:56 UTC

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