DAPPERS, making them, spending them, ect.

Irfidel --

You make my point exactly.  Dappers are not worth anything.  Before the merge and reset they were not worth anything because they were too common.  Since the reset they have not been worth anything because they were too scarce except for the people who didn't need them that much in the first place.

Before the merge  there was a thriving *non-monetary* economy.  Now there is not -- but the monetary economy is not thriving either.  The non-monetary economy is regaining its foothold, but slowly. (If you look back in the forums you will see predictions of this. They are coming true.)  High level players are once again gifting newer (poorer) players with items they cannot afford to buy.

The only thing we really need dappers for are tp's and storage.  Once we have that taken care's all in who you know and what you can do.  I, for one, think this is a *good* thing.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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