DAPPERS, making them, spending them, ect.

If everyody can get dappers easily, they're not worth anything. Even if we play a game, we need real rewards. Rewards come after some time/work/thinking investment. Rewards are a motivation to a lot of players. If they come for free, they're no motivation.

I voted "other" because I do not think we should make it easier for low levels to get dappers, nor do I think that any kind of automated giveaways solves the problem. The immediate workaround would be to team up with others to make money more easily. Careplan for a high level, so she can make more money quick and agree on splitting the proceeds (as an example).

Long term I'm strongly for _balancing_ the dapper rewards for the various game activities. It is not good that someone who does not want to craft has little way in making dappers. If someone wants to play only a healer, or a tank he/she cannot make as much money as a combined digger and crafter. Similarly fame could be more balanced: Fighters of bandits gain easy fame, while this is tough to do for diggers.
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