DAPPERS, making them, spending them, ect.

Other: Increase by some fraction (to be adjusted over time) the amount paid by vendors for materials and crafts that are sold to the vendors rather than to other players.  Optionally, make the increase strongly dependent on your fame with the vendor's civilization.

For instance: Adjust the base pay-out (fame=0 or less) to approximately 3x the current.  Ramp this up to 6x the current rate at Fame=30, to 9x at Fame=50 (highest achievable by neutrals) and fix it at 10x current (i.e. rates before merge) for those who are citizens.

This gives an incentive to fame missions without requiring them.  More dappers for newbs even at low levels of harvesting and looting and encourages fame.  More dappers at all levels for advancing your harvest and melee  in a general fashion.

For the Marauders... I'm tempted to say "tough cookies", but instead I think I'll propose giving them the old rate at their vendors once they have completed the Marauder rite.

It's not perfect, or balanced.  It's just an idea for an incremental fix that I think is better than any of the proposals and certainly better than needing to do occupations.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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