Skill level minimum for occupations

Runkulam (atys)
My view on this and Talkirc touched on it slightly:

How do these lvl 1 toons HURT my game play? They don't. As they don't hurt my game play, I don't care whether they are there or not. From an RP stand point, they actually add to the atmosphere of the society filling the role of vagarant. ;)

i like that angle runkulam, very true indeed, and show me anyplace in real life that when something's being offered at a great deal that people DON'T come out of the dark to jump on it and then i MIGHT care about everyone doing it (not really because as long as i get a slice of pie too i don't care if they get two).

i have an idea: don't complain because of lvl 1 toons helping grind for dappers on just a very few missions, complain to GM about the HUGE LACK OF GOOD PAYING LOW LEVEL MISSIONS and then you won't have a problem, because they might get the hint and stop trying to treat the in game econ like it would collapse if it was a little quicker and eaiser to get a fortune.


Remickla (atys)
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