Skill level minimum for occupations

I agree to Bitty that one should not limit the freedom of choice in the game. The original proposal wanted to address one problem, not all in the world of Atys. That problem is that lvl one alt characters, carelessly created and thrown on the mainland, may get advantages from the occupations on behalf of the creator's main character. Such misuse has already been noticed, before the fusion and now, again.

The idea, as I understood it, was a minimum entry level for occupations, and I think that should suffice (and is a reasonable idea). One may discuss whether there should be a minimum for combat or magic only, or one for all four branches. If so, that one should be more modest, e.g. lvl 10 for all and lvl 20-30 for one such as combat or magic.

The only purpose should be to keep throwaway toon off the occupations. Everything else should be left to the players.

Before the fusion, I had a full set of toons on both my accounts. Up to now, not all of them have left Silan (one will never do ;)). But I consider it legitimate to exchange some certs and products between such toons, mainly to allow those to reach entry levels rather than giving the main char unfair advantages. Such play should not be hindered as well, in my opinion.


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