Timed Macros ><

what I'm trying to do:
Select Shortcut Bar 09 (it's for my Digging stuff is all kept...I know, it should be 10)
Run Shortcut 08 (Prospecting Plan)
Target an entity Raw Material Source [Muffin]
Run Shortcut 07 (Extraction Plan)

but it does it so fast that the hasn't finished so can add a new one for macors:
Wait until action has finished (or something like this)

because then I also have one for Fighting which needs it to beable to do sofast as it does...because then that way it just always keeps on attacking it for me so that I do not have to keep pressing ithem all ofor the times)

...reasons for why ofor itis very anit-abuse:
well because you can so very easily just simplify by ofor dying while digging :P
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 14:50:54 UTC

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