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Bug Tracker: Achievements / Erfolge / Accomplissements

* I added Liberty Lake to the meta achievement for Aeden Aqueous. Thx for reporting that one.
* Resting Waters is now under investigation.

@Timna & Irfidel:
I am already working on the Fame achievements as a new category.
The PvP category that we have now works as intended. It only tracks PvP tags that were introduced in Patch 1.10.0: PvP
... to unlock them you need either to go from theist/tenant then marauders or the other way around ...
Yes, that is correct. To unlock them all you will have to change your PvP tags with all consequences involved. But consider that as a possibility, not as a must!

Some more words about Fame and achievements:
There are currently over 50 factions you can have fame with. The maximum amount of fame you can have with a faction depends on your racial and cult allegiance. Eg.: (neutral, Matis,Tryker, Fyros, Zorai) / (neutral, Kami, Karavan). So each combination of race/cult has its own set of fame caps. That's 15 combinations * 50 factions.
On the Ryzom Armory, the system did not consider that and required you to gain "impossible" fame in order to complete the achievements. I want to change that here, but it takes time. You can see, the matter is complicated.

That's a good question... well...
I think the best thing to do is having players that missed some Silan regions to report here. I will take a look at their status and decide what to do. Eg. having explored "Kitin's Jungle" would require to have moved through "Shining Lake". In that case I will grant "Shining Lake".
So please report in here, if you want me to take a look. I'll try to be generous :)


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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 21:07:06 UTC

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