Skill level minimum for occupations

truthfully most new players will not be drawn to occupations as they are right now. you CAN perhaps find one of those npcs by chance and MAYBE be interested to do it but I have met no newbie who cares for it, even if there are some rewards now for occupation items from new horizons, I get along quite fine without them.

the harder occupations are useful sure, to uber high level players and crafters particularly but that is not the majority. or. perhaps i am wrong about, maybe atys is majority-older-high-level

a newer player who enjoys melee combat can benefit from cartographer hp/stamina boost items but let's face it, i have to somehow find that npc in the back of zora and be interested enough to do it?

I am just saying as someone who, like may of you, has played many mmo's the reward to effort ratio doesn't compare, you really can just manage your credits well and never need these items especially if you have a friend or two.

the cooldown has a use, sure, but it is a deterrent for me to even try them

i am sure there are many who can reply here and be all pro-occupations and say how under rated they are and how great they are if you just try them - i am inclined to believe them but, i have little to no reason to really give them a fair chance, it's on my "to do later" list when i have "nothing else i want to do" the last resort, if you will


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