Ryzom News - November 2012

What about the missing statistics rewards from encyclopedia rites?
I have redone a focus rite but didn't got the stat bonus. Tho, all rewards non-stats related are all working for me after merge.

But, most important:
What about all the broken mats in PR?
Is it possible that sup mats are all depleted after 5 seconds of a new season?

Are you going to give us non-ganking lovers some attention? Or marauders and their crap gameplay with non-sense pvp against diggers is better for you?

Improve Outposts, give people that love organized pvp with a meaning something so to continue to love the game.

Or give us sup mats in wasteland and under spring that work so we can ignore the childish gankers in Umbra.

Fix the sup mats, please.


What about the keys to switch handbars? This is important, not a minor bug.


Legion of Atys
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