Magic Resistance is problematic

Elvia (atys)
Something i don't understand in your answers or that you don't understand in the said problem is the following. This is not a problem about :
- Damage versus mob hp
- Spell cost versus regen
- My resistances versus mob's magic against me
- Chicken versus crossing the road
- Etc.

Just this : My spell versus chances of resists from the mob. Also not partial resists (they are annoying too but at least i still do damage), not damage mitigation (i know it's stupid to use acid against a kipee). Full resists.

Our answers all said (aside from the digressions into other matters): "That's the way it is.  It's not a bug."

Higher level spells will reduce resists.  Higher success rates for casting decrease the problem of resists.  It might be that higher intelligence reduces the chance of resists, but it would be hard to separate that from the other factors since most people increase the power of their spells in parallel with increased intelligence.

On the other gripping hand, if you and I are together online at some point, we could test that by setting up identical stanzas and then seeing if my casting (with max intelligence) had fewer resists than yours (with less than max intelligence, I'm assuming). 

I pledge that when you want to do that test, I will work with you to do it.  Only when we have scientific measurements of this matter will it be able to determine if your other question has meaning.

 -- Bittty (associate in the New Trykoth Council of Sciences)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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