Magic Resistance is problematic

I didn't see any improvement in resists from the early levels to now (i'm only 116) and i really don't see the point of your message as you claim that this gets easier because the only good point so far is that now, the levels are slower and i won't have to change amps this often. Resists are the same, even worse sometimes and i'm 130 2handed melee with a weapon that isn't that good (20 adv. dodge) and i have no problem levelling melee AT ALL while magic drains my ressources dry to kill 5 mobs.
The only technique i see with a healer is to use double missile, overpower the spell to the max and hope at least one spell out of 2 in the missile will land and do the job.

And so, it doesn't change this observation : the resists are too much common. See also the last part of my thread concerning drain.
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