Crafting stanza description update

Imagine this:
Neela - "Hello Mr can I buy a plan for making a spade please?"
Trainer - "I have this plan here for a digging implement."
Neela - "Is that a spade?"
Trainer - "Buy it and find out."
Neela buys the plan and studies it "Aww no it's a pick!". Glares at the trainer, "why can't you call a spade a spade?!"

Lol, That was hilarious!
Might want to add: "I want a refund!" and make Trainers be able to refund you for plans bought that were wrong!
On a side thought, You are a good story teller Nelaa, you should write more! :)
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 15:27:09 UTC

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