(Event for all) Anlor Winn 2024 (30 October - 13 November)
Wednesday, 30 October 20:00:00 UTC (2 weeks ago)
The wind is blowing.
The wind gets stronger.
The wind roars and makes homins tremble in their shelters.
Go hide yourselves away, you fools, because the Ill Wind is coming.
One spy may hide another
Monday, 18 November 20:00:00 UTC (6 days to go)
Matis and allies only
Filira Zagabranth is asking for the help of Matis nobles, vassals and their allies to investigate a mysterious spy.
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Wednesday, 30 October 16:00 - 17:00
(Event for all) Anlor Winn 2024 (30 October - 13 November) (2024-10-30) Show details in forum
Monday, 18 November 15:00 - 17:00 (6 days to go)
(Matis)One spy may hide another (2024-11-18) Show details in forum
Release Note
2024-10-30: Anlor Winn
Patch for the implementation of Anlor Winn
More information on the forum
Resurrection map corrected
It now always displays the region and not the town. So you don't end up with a map with no resurrection points.
2024-10-24: Rotation of OPs
We're mixing it up!
The outpost material rotation has taken place. You have until 03/11/2024 to place your bets.
Zigs don't lag behind.
Zigs Yubo Albinos and Zigs Crays have undergone intensive training so they can keep up with you without ever falling behind. It's about time they did.
Kadox Island is open.
Accessible from the terminals near the capital city stables, K Dox Island contains all 10 Kadox pairs from Ryzom's 20th anniversary event. This island will be used more generally as a gathering place for OOC event rewards.
2024-10-11: Rent a mount
Rent A Mount
The " To New Horizons " transporter is now offering mektoubs mount rentals (they stole the idea from Kadox #5...).
The price is strangely cheap. Only 10 dappers. A promotion to build customer loyalty?
Rented mounts, called Renta, can only be used by their owner.
Ryzhome GH
Inventories remain displayed when changing rooms in the GH
2024-10-09: Daily rewards
Daily rewards
These are active for everyone.
Each day you log in, you receive a random reward and move on to the next reward the next day.
At the end of the 7ᵉ reward, you'll be able to choose the one you want from the 6 you've earned. Progress is reset to zero.
You don't have to log in to maintain progress.
If you miss a day of logging in, you can still get the reward and the progression.
Bandit chests
A dozen or so fixes!
The names of the bandits you need to kill are now indicated. The "Report" action remains the most useful tool for eradicating the latest bugs ;)
Ryzhome v2 & Ryzhome for the GH
Redesigned interface with 3-axis rotation and the ability to change the image of frames received over 20 years.

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