20th anniversary of Ryzom
Monday, 16 September 19:00:00 UTC (4 days ago)
Whether you're an early adopter or a newcomer to the game, come and celebrate 20 years of Ryzom over 20 days from 16 September 2024 to 5 October 2024

20th anniversary events
List of available games:
  • Dev Surprises
  • Ryzom Saga
  • Old Chests
  • Mini-Bosses
  • Yubo-golf
  • 20 Years Puzzle
At a standstill while we fix the little bugs:
The three barrels game
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Monday, 16 September 21:00 - 23:00
20th anniversary of Ryzom (2024-09-16) Show details in forum

(Timezone Europe/Paris)

Latest News

Latest developments

Content Patch 1004 (2024-09-16)

Detailed program for the opening ceremony of Ryzom's 20th Anniversary

  • Tamarea welcomes the players and opening speech
  • Introduction of former Nevrax team members
  • A few words from former Nevrax team members
  • Formation of a 20 by the players
  • Recordings of players' Birthday messages
  • Fireworks at dusk
  • Events begin
      • Three Barrels Game
      • Yubo golf
      • 20th anniversary puzzle
      • Saga of Ryzom - The story
      • The old chests
      • Mini-Bosses
      • Dev Surprises

We remains at your disposal for any additional information and best wishes to you!

Ryzom Team


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