
#1 [fr] 

Hi there!
At the last OP rotation, I was able to get one (50, yay! )

And then he's attacked.
No notification, the attack was yesterday (I didn't know, not there...) and the defense is tomorrow night (I didn't know either).
Tomorrow night, I'm on a train, no way.
I was there 2-3 days ago. No attack notification.

So, this post isn't about crying over losing the OP - anyway, even having been there, it would probably have been lost anyway. And good for those who get it back.
But there's probably a little effort to be made:
-> IG Mail notification (lead/off sup)?
-> A certain amount of time... I have no idea how long it takes, but it's awfully short.
-> The possibility of choosing at least the date of the defense?

See you, and thanks :)

#2 [en] 

It doesn’t sound like a system failure. If you were away 2-3 days you would have missed the pop-up in game that would notify you. It happens, this is why OPs are usually held by large guilds with many active players. Even a non-guildie of the same faction could have noticed the attack if they walked into the OP zone.

I’m not sure an Izam message would be more effective than the pop-up. Many would also complain that Izam mail can be checked irl, so that violates the RP component of OP wars. You can set the time of a defense, but not the day.

My advice, enjoy the q50 mats that you received, although you’ll probably have difficulty giving them away- and hope for more development in OP War games like what is being developed in Nexus.
Last visit Sunday, 26 January 02:34:11 UTC

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