
#1 [fr] 

Antekamis Kaze storylines

Kaze Antekamis contact the Federation to join Tryker society and live in the Lochi.
Are they really sincere? What is their real purpose?

A long roleplay story posted on the ryzom wiki

Here you'll find :

- Action! a little

- Roleplay history! enormously

- Chaï and Byrh! immensely

- Devilish plots! with Antekami, you can't expect anything less.

- And for the more curious, information on the Kaze Antekami, on Fakuang, on the Purple ...

Antekamis Kaze storylines

Thank you to all those who have contributed to roleplay on Ryzom.

This sequence of chronicles can sometimes seem a little disjointed, spanning several years of Jena and due to the multiple protagonists involved in the story, sometimes lacking an overall vision of the total story. What's more, several plots have been known to take place at the same time in different parts of the new lands. The compilation of stories may also appear imperfect, but they have been put together in such a way as to provide a comprehensible framework for the reader. Anyone wishing to add a further piece can do so.

The story of Atys continues endlessly ... it's up to you to take part ...

Last edited by Eolinius (1 week ago)

Last visit Thursday, 12 September 19:48:56 UTC

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