#1 Added by Staeflina 6 months ago
Enigmatic shapes dance and twirl in the shade beneath the jungle branches.Do you know them, Liu? Niu often sees green or orange eyes. Their bodies are nebulous, made of gray smoke, sometimes very dark. Are Siu mischievous or simply curious? What are they? Are Siu aerial Kamis, for whom flesh is cloud?Are Siu hallucinations produced by nauseating fumes?The play of light, or...
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Staeflina (6 months ago)
#2 Added by Staeflina 6 months ago
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Staeflina (6 months ago)
#3 Added by Staeflina 6 months ago
#4 Added by Staeflina 6 months ago
Kami'ata Nu'o Mi and Pa.Nu arrived well in Yrkanis.Su trip went li'bien.Nu regrets that Niu we went earlier. Su is a MAGNIFICENT city!Ari'kami from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful gift. Nu were zo'well welcomed by siu Frefini spouses, Copal Kito and Liosta Miko. Siu nu gave us a tour of the city. We went to the "Grand'Sair"where Su had a beautiful Rotoa. Liu knew that siu Matis had managed to grow a rotoa on the surface. Su nu was astonished.We also saw the siu'o king's palace. Su is an architectural marvel.Liosta Miko nu introduced Canillia Miko, a su'o acquaintance. Su is also li'kind: su nu has offered her hospitality for the night. Su has a li'pretty apartment in Yrkanis. Nu spent a comfortable night, and Nu su is li'grateful.Mata Waki and kisses, Mi and Pa,liu'o Staeflina.
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