
#1 [en] 

Passage between rocks, addition to tunnel through which we usually swim (spending much more time than it takes to walk).

#2 [fr] 

This narrow tunnel, accessible only by swimming, increases the feeling of fear when discovering a brand new area with unknown enemies (kitins, the ultimate homin enemy). What's more, the fact that there's no access on foot explains why kitins haven't yet invaded other areas of silan, since kitins can't swim.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#3 [en] 

We can add a hunter outpost along the way on the ground that keeps the jungle critters at bay. The standard guard that currently sits by the inactive tunnel.
Or divine security, with Kami's help. There's a point nearby.

We can put the descent down into the jungle on a rope ladder, via an activatable action. Then the kittiwakes can't climb up because they have paws :)

We can give a climate change penalty so that the jungle kittins feel uncomfortable outside and seek to return sooner.

We can add a host of other explanations, it doesn't matter.
The important thing is that traveling through the tunnel takes too long compared to normal traffic. You can't resurrect in the jungle. This can be fixed by introducing a path on the ground from Kami, so that both movement and graveyard are close by.

Last edited by Oltopetish (1 year ago)

#4 [fr] 

we have to move fast...
discovery sometimes takes time in this game.
take your time!!!!!!!! That's ryzom.
but we can put a tp for each mission, it will go faster....


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

Last visit Saturday, 21 September 02:58:26 UTC

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