
#1 [en] 

One-handed w. plus shield, ranged and ammo, etc.

Because now players who want to use multiple battle options are forced to spend a lot of time switching between pieces of equipment.
That is, to shoot\magic and switch to a two-handed weapon - still okay, but 1h and shield are already extra clicks, and time, which in serious fight to death is always not enough :)

If such an opportunity already exists (for example, with help of high-level stanza), then I would like to unlock it as soon as possible. Ideally, around level 5, so that this becomes the norm for flexible strategies.
The same goes for stanzas that allow to hit multiple targets, which is only unlocked at level 50+. Although mobs attack in groups much (!) Earlier and more often.

Last edited by Oltopetish (1 year ago)

#2 [en] 

we have macros to quickly swtich to 1h weapons + shields or dual wield tho



#3 [en] 

I agree, macros can help with quick switching.
But is it explained to beginners how to use them?
A lesson on skill editing exists, in several forms, for every profession on Silan. And there is nothing about macros.

Yes, and it is more logical to introduce a quick change of equipment with one key as a basic action, rather than through a crutch.
However, the crutch also works and in the absence of tweaks to the mechanics, can also be used.

#4 Multilingual 

je pense qu'il faut aussi comprendre que ryzom est un jeu de coop, que certaines compétences ne soient données que par d'ancien joueurs à de nouveaux joueurs n'est pas totalement déconnant. On reste sur un MMO , c'est a dire un jeu qui n'est pas fait pour etre jouer en solo ^^

#5 [ru] 

Let's say you are right and some things need to be explained to each newbie personally, instead of writing guide once or add feature and solve problem.

Question: how to write macro that allows to equip an item?

1. system
2. Macros
3. New macro
4. Add command
5. Category - Action?
6. Action - Equip an item group?
7. Item group name - ?
Key (assign)

Last edited by Oltopetish (1 year ago)

#6 [fr] 

the doc exists, if you look for it:

Last edited by Ashgan (1 year ago)

#7 [ru] 

if that's what you're looking for:
Only general information. There is no "exact" answer how to equip an item through a macro. I need a step-by-step instruction, with a detailed explanation of what and where to put. Like for the very young. To copy the text and add to the topic of guides - will be a clear, accurate, unambiguous answer for newcomers who will come to the forum in the future :)

So far, I'm only using the macro for picking things up.
I also have a rough idea of how to optimize resource collection, but I'm still working manually there (I think it's more correct).
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