
#1 [en] 

I decided to work a little with the interface and change some loading screens first

If the developers want to add them to the game, they will be located at the link (dds can be removed) =) xzls46p?usp=sharing

Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: Wrong language selected.

#2 [en] 

I like them, very pretty well done!

whats the 2nd img? is that pyr... nah its not pyr is it? theres water... whatever it looks awesome.

Last edited by Magez (2 years ago)


#3 [en] 

These look really cool! Nice job! Is it okay if I borrow one of them as a desktop wallpaper? :D


#4 [en] 

I like them, very pretty well done!

whats the 2nd img? is that pyr... nah its not pyr is it? theres water... whatever it looks awesome.

My apologies, really this concept art is not included in the game. I will change it soon, although it looks really good =)

#5 [en] 

These look really cool! Nice job! Is it okay if I borrow one of them as a desktop wallpaper? :D

Of course =)

#6 [en] 

The loading screen is changed

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: Wrong language selected.

#7 [en] 

A small update for your assessment =)

Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: Wrong language selected.

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