
#1 Multilingual 

Obviously, point of a journey is not to arrive.

But sometimes a pointing hand can help ;)

Maze navigation

This was done in Summer. Might be different during other seasons. Aggro areas are of course approximate in shape and size; after all, I was running through them. Often with SpeedUp.

Most legs don't require particularly high level of SU, once you know where you want to go :P

Base is Ballistic Mystix's Static maps

Source file (GIMP xcf) is here if you wish to edit. GIMP is FOSS, available for all PC operating systems.

License is "I really don't care v1.03"

What are those numbers?
Position in the world, x and y coordinates.

How do I see them in game?
You can't, not directly. There are two ways to get your position indirectly. One is querying Ryzom API after you see your char has been saved in SysInfo. Saves are every 8 min IIRC.
The other is to use "Place landmark at current postion" option on the Map. Then go to your Ryzom save folder and open landmarks xml. You will see coordinates there.

[edit #2]
New versions of files. Ctrl+F5 to refresh.

Only realized half way through; flags. To use these, open your landmarks xml in save, copy these lines and paste them under
<landmarks continent="matis" type="user">

Nav flags:

<landmark type="20" x="5954.71" y="-7264.66" title="Leg 5 - S"/>
<landmark type="3" x="5594.11" y="-7277.65" title="Leg 5 - E"/>
<landmark type="3" x="5245.83" y="-7135.44" title="Leg 6 - E"/>
<landmark type="20" x="5197.25" y="-7047.77" title="Leg 7 - S"/>
<landmark type="3" x="5887.47" y="-6471.57" title="Leg 7 - E"/>
<landmark type="29" x="6049.51" y="-6005.12" title="Kami (N)"/>

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Olmo (2 years ago)

Last visit Sunday, 9 February 11:21:10 UTC

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