

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Yrkanis, on Harvestor 22, 2618-4, to Karan Stevano

Your Majesty,

As part of the mission Your Majesty gave me nearly thirty-two Jena year, last season I attended the Taliari assembly convened by Ailan Mc'Kean, as usual, at Frogmore Place in the lake city of Fairhaven.

However, and your Majesty will not be surprised, the echoes of the imminent wedding of the Crown Karin, as well as those of the "competition" between the Seraei claiming his hand, have reached all the citizens of the Lakes. This is why the aforementioned assembly closed with a request from the Governor, which she asked me to transmit to you without delay. To wit: Would Your Majesty object to the Federation of Naw Trykoth giving His Highness the Karin and his future wife a wedding gift as a sign of friendship between our two peoples?

As, whatever the answer may be, it is in no way obliged to pass through Your servant, I shall be obliged to Your Majesty to kindly send me a copy of it, if necessary with instructions not to make public mention of it.
Nilstilar Thorec
Your Majesty's Ambassador to the Federation of Naw Trykoth


#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | English | [Español] | Français

El Karan Stevano hizo una rápida lectura a la carta del embajador Nilstilar.

Sin duda, se sintió halagado de que la Gobernadora "pidiera permiso", aunque le quedara un vago e indefinible recelo. ¿Qué clase de locura van a cometer estos insufribles Trykers?
Sin cambiar su expresión, se dirigió a su secretario.
"Responda al embajador que los regalos están por supuesto permitidos, pero hágale saber que debe arreglárselas para explicar a la Gobernadora que un barril de su infame bebida no es un regalo apropiado".
El secretario se inclinó y, un poco más pálido que cuando entró, se fue a escribir la respuesta

Se le permitirá ofrecer regalos a la pareja principesca al final de la ceremonia, posterior al baile.

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Yrkanis, on Mystia 26, 2618-4, ad Nair Gouvernor Ailan Mac'Kean

Your Excellency,

In the last Taliari assembly, your Excellency publicly declared her intention to send the Crown Karin, on the occasion of his forthcoming nuptials, a present to show the friendship that the people of the Lakes have for the people of the Forest. However, you then expressed, still in public, a concern that did not fail to surprise me in that it showed in contrast a regrettable residual mistrust of the Federation towards the Kingdom: would the Karan not refuse such a wedding gift with disdain?

Your Excellency will be pleased to learn that her concern was unfounded: solicited by me, at your request, His Majesty Stevano has just assured me that the Federation's present to the princely couple will be gratefully received by the entire Matis people and will be displayed in the Great Greenhouse of Yrkanis until its place in the Royal Palace is made available. In addition, as recently posted throughout Atys, all friends and allies of the Kingdom are invited to attend the wedding ceremony and to participate in the festivities that will follow.

That is why I join His Majesty in inviting you to come and present the gift to the newlyweds, in person, at the close of the ceremony in the Temple of Jena.

Seelagan, then, your Excellency!
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassador b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Fédération be Naw Trykoth

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (3 years ago)


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