

#1 [en] 

I have carpal tunnel syndrome and in other games I have been able to play with less pain and fatigue when they have the ability to toggle mouse look (looking around with the mouse) instead of having to hold the right mouse button all the time. I use this to move around the map with auto running. Would it be possible to add a keybind so that players could simple toggle mouse look on and off as needed? Toggle on to move around, toggle off when needing to click things. I've used this in Everquest 2, Star Wars Galaxies (when it existed), Shroud of the Avatar, and others that allow the option. I'm hoping this quality of life option will be considered for people like me who can't hold down buttons constantly without pain. Thank you.

#2 [en] 


From what I can see, there is a "Free Look" option in the drop down menu when you right click somewhere near your character. That would be what you are looking for. Unfortunately, I don't know if it can be activated with a macro and therefore a keyboard key.


Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#3 [en] 

There is a choice "System->Free mouse" when adding a new key or macro, but it doesn't work.
So, should be easy to make it working.


Legion of Atys

#4 [en] 

Thank you, I did try to bind free mouse to a button, but it's not working. Would it be possible for developers to add this option? I created a character and already love what I've seen so far, but again, my disability will make investing in this game difficult.

#5 [en] 

you can use the following line in a <macro> block to start mouse look :
<command name="context_free_look" params=""/>
And to stop mouse look :
<command name="exit_free_look" params=""/>

#6 [en] 

you can use the following line in a <macro> block to start mouse look :

<command name="context_free_look" params=""/>

And to stop mouse look :

<command name="exit_free_look" params=""/>
I confirm, it works. If you do not know how to make this macro work, please contact me in game.



Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#7 [en] 

I had to google how to edit parameters in macros, that was not intuitive. Is there a way to bind both parameters to one key, or do I have to use two different keys?

Last edited by Kesstryl (3 years ago)

#8 [en] 

"Free Mouse" option in game is "Hardware mouse" toggle.

"Toggle Free Look" will hopefully get into next patch.



#9 [en] 

How do you bind a macro to a key when it's already been created and never key assigned? I don't see a way to edit macros in game to bind keys.

#10 [en] 

How do you bind a macro to a key when it's already been created and never key assigned? I don't see a way to edit macros in game to bind keys.

Right click to edit the macro. Click on the key field to assign a key.

Last edited by Gilgameesh (3 years ago)


Legion of Atys

#11 [en] 

I had to google how to edit parameters in macros, that was not intuitive. Is there a way to bind both parameters to one key, or do I have to use two different keys?

tried to do it in 1 macro but hadn't had success, rightclicking with mouse brings you out of freelook tho so really you only need 1 macro to enable free look and cancel it with rightclick

ah right that doesn't fix the problem

Last edited by Magez (3 years ago)


#12 [en] 


It is fine, I helped the player.

Best regards,


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#13 [en] 

I'm very grateful to Jadeyn for helping me with this tonight, and answering all my noob questions in game :D

#14 Multilingual 

"Free Mouse" option in game is "Hardware mouse" toggle.

"Toggle Free Look" will hopefully get into next patch.
Sujet déplacé
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